The acclaimed ‘Creed’ film franchise moves into the not-too-distant future, with series star Michael B. Jordan taking over as director of the third installment. ‘Creed 3’ will continue the story of boxer Adonis Creed, but it appears that his lifelong mentor to his and his beloved father figure will not be joining him in the next chapter of the saga. And it is that unfortunately, Rocky Balboa will not return to ‘Creed 3’.
The new installment will be directed by Michael B. Jordan himself.
The initial announcement about Creed 3 did not mention whether Sylvester Stallone would return alongside Jordan. However, the actor himself has since revealed that he will not be returning. A fan commented on one of the actor’s recent Instagram posts, asking if Creed 3 would happen. Stallone confirmed that the film would exist, but that it would happen without him. “It will be done, but I will not participate,” wrote Stallone in response to the comment. “Keep hitting.”
The entire Creed franchise was born out of Rocky’s history, as Adonis is the son of Apollo Creed, Rocky’s rival-turned-friend who died in the ring at the hands of Ivan Drago. The first two movies featured Rocky’s personal journey as an important part of the story, but that won’t be the case in the third installment.
It’s unknown what direction the series will take in Creed 3, but Jordan will lead the cast and crew from in front of and behind the camera.
“Coaching has always been an aspiration, but the timing had to be right,” he said in a statement. “‘Creed 3’ marks a time in my life where I am more certain of who has an agency in my own history, maturing personally, growing professionally and learning from greats like Ryan Coogler, most recently Denzel Washington and other top directors I respect. All of which sets the table for this moment … This franchise, and in particular the themes of ‘Creed 3’, are deeply personal to me. I look forward to sharing the next chapter in the Adonis Creed story with incredible responsibility. to be its director and namesake. “
The film is scheduled to arrive on November 22, 2022.